Are you having trouble keeping up with the news and flood of information coming at us all? Want to understand what’s going on clearly and simply without any hidden agenda (we're old-fashioned centre-right normal Aussies, and we're open about it)?
THE OTHER SIDE is a weekly summary politics & news show from former Australian radio & TV journalist Damian Coory.
We summarise the best news commentary from Australia and abroad in around 50mins a week. New episodes drop every Friday night.
All episodes can be found on this stream.
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Ep 323 - Gaslighting AUSTRALIA: PM’s Weird Terror Warning + Christians Arrested in Paris
This week on The Other Side…
- The biggest legal body in the land warns those who want to reform sexual assault laws: Do not mess with the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE
- Albo and ASIO’s very weirdly-worded warning on the latest terror threats
- The UK erupts - but authorities are STILL ignoring the real underlying issues
- The thought police are back! People in our once-free countries are being arrested for unacceptable speech again
- Former Qld Premier Campbell Newman joins us to discuss the dumbest idea to come out of an Australian politician’s mouth this century
This week's guest: CAMPBELL NEWMAN, AO – Former Queensland Premier
New episodes every Friday at 7pm AEST on YouTube. Clips from our shows nightly on YouTube @OtherSideAus and X (Twitter) @TheOtherSideOnX
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The Other Side is a weekly news/commentary show on YouTube @OtherSideAus and available to watch FREE here:
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